The Exhibition Place Mapping series contains 24 different maps illustrating the Exhibition Place grounds. These maps illustrate a range of site conditions, including spatial and compositional organization, building and landscape types, and historical transformation. These maps were developed as a part of the Exhibition Place Cultural Heritage Landscape Assessment, a 2019 report prepared for the City of Toronto. Brown + Storey Architects Inc. worked as part of a team hired ASI.
Exhibition Place Plan
Comparative Mapping
Surface Type
Building Types
Architectural Styles
Lake View Buildings
East West Building Frontages
Site Perimeter
Site Entrances
Parterre Gardens
Foundation Plantings
Palatial Landscapes
Entrance Gardens
Lakefront Edge
Residual Green Space
Pre-Exhibition Structures
Surface Materials
Compositional Groupings
1878-1901: Toronto Industrial Exhibition
1902-1919: G.W. Gouinlock’s Buildings
1920-1953: Chapman and Oxley Plan and The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
1954-1970: End of the Military Reserve and Construction of the Gardiner Expressway